ENT Visit
The ENT examination aims to diagnose or exclude pathologies affecting the head and neck area.
It can be performed at any age ( pediatric, adult and senile ) and represents the first level visit.
It begins with the collection of anamnesis (set of symptoms and signs presented, previous illnesses, medications taken, any pathologies present in the family) and continues with an objective examination of the regions of ENT competence: ear, nose, oral cavity, pharynx and neck. This visit is often not sufficient on its own , but needs to be supported by instrumental tests to make a correct and exhaustive diagnosis (for example endoscopies , functional hearing tests , videonystagmoscopy , allergy tests , polysomnography , CT, MRI, etc.).
Once a diagnosis has been made, we will proceed to decide, in concert with the patient's needs, the appropriate therapeutic strategy.

Visita Rinologica
La visita rinologica ha lo scopo di diagnosticare o escludere patologie a carico del distretto naso-sinusale.
Può essere effettuata ad ogni età (pediatrica, adulta e senile).
Inizia con la raccolta anamnestica (insieme di sintomi e segni presentati, pregresse malattie, farmaci assunti, eventuali patologie presenti in famiglia) e prosegue con un endoscopico del distretto naso-sinusale (endoscopia nasale). Successivamente, qualora fossero necessari, si eseguiranno delle prove allergometriche (Prick-Test per aeroallergeni), esame citologico nasale, esami ematochimici mirati.
Se necessario, soprattuto in vista di un'eventuale intervento chirurgico, può essere richiesta una TC associata o meno a RM.
Una volta posta una diagnosi si procederà a decidere, in concerto con le esigenze del paziente, la strategia terapeutica opportuna medica e/o chirurgica.
Otological Visit
Otology is a specialized branch of otorhinolaryngology that deals with hearing disorders.
This visit is indicated if there are symptoms and signs attributable to the ear (e.g. hearing loss, ear discharge, itching, pain, etc.).
It can be performed at any age ( pediatric , adult and senile ).
It begins with the collection of anamnesis (set of symptoms and signs presented, previous illnesses, medications taken, any pathologies present in the family) and continues with an endoscopic examination (of the ear and nose, if necessary) and/or microscopic examination of the ear that allow an adequate study at high magnification. Subsequently, we proceed with functional tests of the hearing function (audiometric/impedance test). If necessary, based on clinical suspicion, a study of the vestibular function and videonystagmoscopy ( vestibular visit ) will be performed.
Sometimes, for diagnostic completion or for better surgical planning, it is necessary to request further diagnostic tests such as high-resolution CT and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).
Once the diagnosis is made, appropriate medical and/or surgical therapy is initiated.
Phoniatric Visit
The purpose of the phoniatric visit is to diagnose or exclude pathologies affecting the voice, language and communication. It can be useful in the case of a congenital loss or failure to acquire verbal language, an alteration in pronunciation, difficulty in swallowing, alterations in the normal or singing voice or, again, incorrect articulation of words due to neurological problems, deafness or learning disabilities.
It can be performed at any age ( pediatric, adult and senile ).
It begins with the collection of anamnesis (set of symptoms and signs presented, previous illnesses, drugs taken, any pathologies present in the family) and continues with a clinical and endoscopic examination of the nasal, oral and pharyngolaryngeal district ( VADS endoscopy ).
Once a diagnosis has been made, we will proceed to decide, in concert with the patient's needs, the appropriate speech therapy, medical and/or surgical therapeutic strategy.