Functional hearing tests
Pure tone audiometric test
The test, non-invasive and painless, allows for a qualitative and quantitative analysis of hearing.
It is performed by administering pure sounds at different frequencies and intensities, through headphones, both through the air and through the bone. At the end of the test, a graph is obtained, known as an audiogram, from which important information can emerge that allows us to understand if there is hearing damage, in which location and to determine its presumed cause.
The examination requires cooperation from the patient.
Any hearing loss (hypoacusis) has a significant impact on human relationships: not being able to clearly distinguish the words of the people we interact with could be a limitation in many situations in life. If we start to turn up the volume of the radio or television too much, or we struggle to distinguish words when several people are speaking at the same time, then it is time to check our hearing ability. It is important to monitor these symptoms also in children, of pre-school and school age, since an unrecognized hearing damage could lead to important consequences on a social, behavioral and cognitive level, which could last throughout life.
The time required for execution is approximately 15 min.

Audiometric speech test
It represents an exam that verifies the ability to perceive words, constituting a "functional" exam that is very representative of the conditions in which a patient may find himself in everyday relational life.
During this test, in fact, pure tones at different frequencies are not administered, but words, usually in headphones, separately in both ears, at increasing intensity to identify the ability to detect, perceive and understand. It allows to add important information on the type of hearing loss and is essential to perform in case of hearing aid.
Impedance test
This test studies the transmission of the mechano-acoustic wave at the level of the middle ear (tympanic-ossicular system) and the reactions that this determines at the nervous level (stapedial reflex).
It integrates the audiometric examination and allows for the diagnosis of various pathologies of the middle ear, such as those due to tubal dysfunction, otosclerosis and otitis media with effusion, allowing for the monitoring of their therapy.
This test is also non-invasive, painless and takes about 5 minutes.