Negli ultimi anni l'endoscopia ha rivoluzionato l'approccio diagnostico e chirurgico dell'otorinolaringoiatria.
Poter visualizzare ad alto ingrandimento e in full-HD l'orecchio, le cavità naso-sinusali, la regione faringo-laringo-tracheale permette diagnosi tempestive e precise senza creare dolore durante le procedure. Le tecniche endoscopiche, inoltre, possono essere utilizzate per effettuare interventi chirurgici mini-invasivi in regime ambulatoriale ed ordinario.
Oggigiorno il ricorso agli esami endoscopici rappresenta la naturale prosecuzione della visita.
Gli esami endoscopici possono essere a fibre ottiche rigide e flessibili in base alle necessità.

Ear Endoscopy
It is usually performed without the use of anesthesia and allows a magnified view of the external auditory canal and the tympanic membrane/cavity, overcoming some visualization limitations related to the inter-individual anatomical constitution.
In pathological conditions it allows you to appreciate the details of the tympanic cavity, also thanks to optics at different angles.
This method can be used for diagnostic purposes or to perform small therapeutic interventions such as, for example, toilet of epidermal debris in the follow-up of patients undergoing tympanoplasty, myringocentesis, positioning of transtympanic drains and myringoplasties.

Membrana timpanica normale

Nasal endoscopy (fibrinoscopy)
It can be performed with both rigid (with different angles) and flexible optical fibers. Depending on the needs and the clinical question to be resolved, it may be necessary to perform this test after a topical local anesthesia and a decongestion of the turbinates: this allows us to visualize some internal corners of the nose that represent crucial nodes for the ventilation and drainage system of the paranasal sinuses. The anesthesia lasts a little longer than the time necessary to perform the test and does not compromise any function of the patient, who can safely return to his or her activities immediately after the visit.
The indication for this examination is represented by the suspicion of pathology of the nose, sinus, olfactory cleft/anterior skull base, auditory tubes and nasopharynx.
This method can be used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, allowing the performance of interventions such as: reduction of turbinates, control of nosebleeds, polypectomies and endoscopic surgery of the paranasal sinuses and skull base, removal of foreign bodies and post-nasal surgery dressings.

Laryngeal endoscopy (fibrolaryngoscopy)
It can be performed either with rigid optical fibres, transorally, or with flexible optical fibres, transnasally.
This test can also be performed with or without topical local anesthesia.
It allows for an optimal study of the base of the tongue, of the larynx in its subsites and of the hypopharynx, which ends inferiorly with the upper esophageal sphincter.
The test is indicated in the study of pharyngolaryngotracheal pathologies.

It is performed with a flexible fiber optic endoscope via the transnasal route. It allows a global evaluation of the upper airways. It allows for functional tests useful in the study of swallowing (FEES) and snoring (Muller Test).
It can be performed with or without topical local anesthesia.